Eforturile voluntarilor de a salva mineri în Africa de Sud: O operațiune periculoasă de salvare din mina abandonată – KNFinances

Eforturile voluntarilor de a salva mineri în Africa de Sud: O operațiune periculoasă de salvare din mina abandonată

In South Africa, volunteers are working tirelessly to assist miners who are trapped underground in an abandoned gold mine. The miners in Stilfontein entered the shaft intentionally to extract gold or mineral residues, and as a result, they have been underground for over a month. The authorities have implemented strict measures, including restricting food and water supplies to the miners.


The situation is dire as the miners have been consuming toothpaste and vinegar to survive underground. Their health is deteriorating, and they may not be physically strong enough to exit the mine on their own. The volunteers, organized into groups of fifty, are working around the clock to extract the miners, with each rescue operation taking approximately an hour.

Lebogang Maiyane, one of the volunteers, expressed his frustration with the government’s handling of the situation. He believes that the government’s disregard for the miners’ right to life is equivalent to murder. The miners, often referred to as “zama zama” in South Africa, operate in abandoned mines and contribute to massive losses for the government due to illegal mining activities.

There is a complex web of criminal syndicates involved in illegal mining, which makes the situation even more precarious. The police are hesitant to enter the mine, fearing that some miners may be armed. Busi Thabane, a representative of Benchmarks Foundation, highlighted the challenges of dealing with illegal miners who are often exploited by criminal groups.

The families of the miners are desperate for news and are holding protests near the mine site, demanding assistance from the government. The situation is further complicated by the political rhetoric, with some government officials calling for aggressive actions against the miners. The families of the miners feel abandoned by the authorities and are struggling to get basic supplies to their loved ones trapped underground.

The volunteers working on the rescue operation are facing daunting challenges, including removing corpses from the mine. The conditions underground are hazardous, and access to supplies is limited. The lack of cooperation from the miners and the fear of prosecution have complicated the rescue efforts.

Despite the challenges, the volunteers are determined to continue their mission to extract the miners safely. The community leaders have expressed their concerns about the humanitarian crisis unfolding in the abandoned mine. The police and military presence at the scene underscores the gravity of the situation and the need for immediate action.

As the rescue operation continues, the focus is on ensuring the safety and well-being of the miners trapped underground. Illegal mining remains a pervasive issue in South Africa, with severe environmental and social consequences. The government’s response to the crisis will be closely monitored by human rights organizations to ensure that the miners’ rights are respected and protected.

In conclusion, the situation in the abandoned gold mine in Stilfontein is a stark reminder of the challenges faced by illegal miners in South Africa. The volunteers, community leaders, and families of the miners are working together to provide assistance and support to those trapped underground. The rescue operation is ongoing, and the safety and well-being of the miners remain a top priority. As the country grapples with the aftermath of illegal mining, there is an urgent need for sustainable solutions to address this complex issue and prevent future tragedies.

Picture of Andreea Georgescu
Andreea Georgescu

Editor la Knfinances din 2024.


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